Lab 17: Setup Backend REST API


  • Install the backend REST API server
  • Create a custom npm script to run the REST API server
  • Start the REST API server


Install the backend REST API server

  1. Open a command prompt (Windows) or terminal (Mac).
  2. Change the current directory to working\keeptrack.
  3. Run one of the following commands:


    npm install json-server@0.16.2


    yarn add json-server@0.16.2

Create a custom npm script to run the REST API server

  1. Add a script to start the backend REST API.


    "name": "keeptrack",
    "scripts": {
    "start": "react-scripts start",
    "build": "react-scripts build",
    "test": "react-scripts test",
    "eject": "react-scripts eject",
    + "api": "json-server api/db.json --port 4000"
  2. Copy the directory labs\ts\snippets\lab17\api into the working\keeptrack directory.

Start the REST API server

  1. In a command prompt (Windows) or terminal (Mac) with the current directory set to working\keeptrack.

  2. Run one of the following commands:


    npm run api

    The run command is short for run-script. Running the backend json-server through an npm script ensures that we are using the local version of the server we just installed and not a previously installed global version.


    yarn api
  3. The server should start and output similar to the following should display.

    \{^_^}/ hi!
    Loading api/db.json
    Type s + enter at any time to create a snapshot of the database

    Note that if you visit http://localhost:4000/ you would normally see the json-server landing page but this will not work when you are inside a Create React App project.

  4. In your Chrome browser open:

  5. You should see JSON data being returned.

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Johnson - Kutch",
    "description": "Fully-configurable intermediate framework. Ullam occaecati libero laudantium nihil voluptas omnis qui modi qui.",
    "imageUrl": "/assets/placeimg_500_300_arch4.jpg",
    "contractTypeId": 3,
    "contractSignedOn": "2013-08-04T22:39:41.473Z",
    "budget": 54637,
    "isActive": false
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Dillesik LLCs",
    "description": "Re-contextualized dynamic moratorium. Aut nulla soluta numquam qui dolor architecto et facere dolores.",
    "imageUrl": "/assets/placeimg_500_300_arch12.jpg",
    "contractTypeId": 6,
    "contractSignedOn": "2016-06-26T18:24:01.706Z",
    "budget": 29729,
    "isActive": true
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Purdy, Keeling and Smithams",
    "description": "Innovative 6th generation model. Perferendis libero qui iusto et ullam cum sint molestias vel.",
    "imageUrl": "/assets/placeimg_500_300_arch5.jpg",
    "contractTypeId": 4,
    "contractSignedOn": "2013-05-26T01:10:42.344Z",
    "budget": 45660,
    "isActive": true

✔ You have completed Lab 17