

  1. Open Lab 25 solution code.
  2. In a command-prompt or terminal, run the commands.
    npm install
    npm start
  3. In another command-prompt or terminal, run the command.
    npm run api

Compiler Errors

  1. In your editor, remove the closing curly brace shown below.


    - }
  2. You should see the following error in the terminal where you are running npm start.

    Failed to compile.
    Line 38:15: Parsing error: Unexpected token, expected "}"
    36 | <ProjectForm
    37 | project={project
    > 38 | onCancel={this.cancelEditing}
    | ^
    39 | ></ProjectForm>
    40 | </div>
    41 | );
  3. Add the } back.

  4. Verify the comile error goes away.

  5. Remove the return statement as shown below.


    class ProjectList extends React.Component {
    render() {
    - return
    <div className="row">{items}</div>;
  6. You should see the following error in the terminal where you are running npm start.

Failed to compile.
Line 17:3: Your render method should have return statement react/require-render-return
Line 46:6: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression no-unused-expressions
Search for the keywords to learn more about each error.
  1. Add the return back.
  2. Verify the error goes away.

Runtime Errors

Open Chrome DevTools

Open Chrome DevTools by following these steps:

  1. In the upper right hand corner of Chrome click the Three Dots > More Tools> Developer Tools.
  • Shortcuts:
    • (Windows, Linux): CTRL+SHIFT+I
    • (MacOS): CMD+OPTION+I


  1. Open ProjectsPage.[js|tsx] in the Chrome DevTools Sources tab.

    To find a file in the Chrome DevTools Sources tab and open the navigation to follow this or a similar path: top/localhost:3000/Users/[your username]/Documents/git/r16/keeptrack-js/src/... The path may differ depending on your operating system.

  2. Set breakpoint on line 38.

  3. Hover this.props.project

  4. Open the Console tab.

  5. Log this.props.project

  6. Step through the code using the buttons outlined in the JavaScript Debugging Reference.

Debugging in Visual Studio Code

This section describes how you can set breakpoints and debug JavaScript or TypeScript directly in Visual Studio Code instead of directly using a browser's DevTools like Chrome.

Note that in the latest versions of Visual Studio Code it is no longer necessary to install the Debugger for Chrome extension.

  • If you already have it installed that is OK it will just forward to the built-in js-debug functionality.


  1. In a Create React App project, run npm start command from the command prompt or terminal.
  2. Open App.js or App.tsx and set a breakpoint by clicking in the gutter to the left of the line number.
  3. Click the Run\Debugger in Toolbar.
  4. Click the Run and Debug button.
  5. Choose environment Chrome (preview)
  6. Change port 8080 to port 3000 in the launch.json file.
  7. In the top left of the window click Launch Chrome again
  8. You will stop on the breakpoint in VS Code.
