What is a Page Component?
Top level component that can be routed to
Any component in
import React from "react";export default function About() {return (<div><h1>About</h1><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolorem quammollitia ut, odit suscipit velit molestias, ratione vel minus iureesse! Nam autem vitae distinctio minima facere. Consectetur, errormolestiae.</p></div>);}
Routing and Page Components
- Routes are automatically created by convention
- Static route path is based on the file name of the component in the pages directory
Linking Between Pages
<Link />
component is for linking between pages within your siteFor external links to pages not handled by your Gatsby site, use the regular HTML
+ import { Link } from "gatsby"import React from "react"export default function Header() {return (<header><nav>- Home | About+ <Link to="/">Home</Link> |<Link to="/about">About</Link></nav></header>)}
What is a Subcomponent?
A component that lives inside a page or another component
Create more granular components (header, footer, aside)
import React from "react";export default function Footer() {return (<footer><nav><a href="#">Privacy</a><a href="#">Terms</a><a href="#">Careers</a><span> © Acme Inc.</span></nav></footer>);}
Reusing Component Logic Across Pages
- These components can be used on multiple pages
- Or better yet they can be used in a common layout component
export default function Layout({ children }) {
return (
<Header />
<Footer />
import React from "react";
import Layout from "../components/layout";
export default function Home() {
return (
<img src="" alt="house" />
- How do you create a page and route to it in Gatsby?
- How do you share common layout like a header or footer in a Gatsby application?