Lab 11: Communicating from Child to Parent Component


  • In a child component, accept a function as a prop and invoke it
  • In a parent component, implement a function and pass it as a prop to a child component


In a child component, accept a function as a prop and invoke it

  1. In the Prop Types definition, add an onEdit function that requires a project as a parameter and returns void.


    ProjectCard.propTypes = {
    project: PropTypes.instanceOf(Project).isRequired, //include this comma
    + onEdit: PropTypes.func.isRequired
  2. Update the handleEditClick event to invoke the function passed into the onEdit prop and remove the console.log statement.


    function ProjectCard(props) {
    const { project,
    + onEdit
    } = props;
    const handleEditClick = (projectBeingEdited) => {
    + onEdit(projectBeingEdited);
    - console.log(projectBeingEdited);

In a parent component, implement a function and pass it as a prop to a child component

  1. Add a handleEditevent handler toProjectListthat takes a project as an argument and logs it to the console.

  2. Wire up the onEdit event of the ProjectCard component to the handleEdit event handler.

    In VS Code, the code snippet nfn can help create the handleEdit event handler.


    function ProjectList ({ projects }) {
    + const handleEdit = (project) => {
    + console.log(project);
    + };
    const items = => (
    <div key={} className="cols-sm">
    + onEdit={handleEdit}
    return <div className="row">{items}</div>;
  3. Verify the application is working by following these steps:

    1. Open the application in your browser and refresh the page.
    2. Open the Chrome DevTools to the console (F12 or fn+F12 on laptop).
    3. Click the edit button for a project.
    4. Verify the project is logged to the Chrome DevTools console.


You may remember that logging was happening in a previous lab. In the previous lab, the logging was occuring in the child component. In this lab, we have removed the logging in the child component ProjectCard and are invoking a method on the parent list component ProjectList. The allows the card component to be easily reused in another part of the application.

✔ You have completed Lab 11