Lab 27: React Query Refactor
- Install React Query and React Query Devtools.
- Configure React Query Client provider and React Query Devtools.
- Remove the
function andonSave
props. - Refactor the
custom hook to use React Query'suseQuery
. - Use React Query’s
status to show when data is refreshing in the background. - Create and use a
custom hook using React Query’suseMutation
Install React Query and React Query Devtools.
Start with the Lab 26 solution code.
Run the follow commands at a command-prompt or terminal (be sure you are in the keeptrack directory).
npm install react-queryOR
yard add react-query
Configure React Query Client provider and React Query Devtools.
Wrap the
component in aQueryClientProvider
and add theReactQueryDevtools
inside of the provider. Also, create aQueryClient
and pass it to theQueryClientProvider
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';import './index.css';import App from './App';import * as serviceWorker from './serviceWorker';+import { QueryClientProvider, QueryClient } from 'react-query';+import { ReactQueryDevtools } from 'react-query/devtools';+ const queryClient = new QueryClient();const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));root.render(<React.StrictMode>+ <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}><App />+ <ReactQueryDevtools initialIsOpen={false} />+ </QueryClientProvider></React.StrictMode>);
function and onSave
Remove the Remove all the code highlighted from the following files
...<ProjectList projects={projects}- onSave={saveProject}/>...src/projects/ProjectList.js
...ProjectList.propTypes = {projects: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.instanceOf(Project)).isRequired,- onSave: PropTypes.func.isRequired,};export default ProjectList;...function ProjectList({ projects- , onSave}) {...<ProjectFormproject={project}- onSave={onSave}onCancel={cancelEditing}/>src/projects/ProjectForm.js
...function ProjectForm({project: initialProject,- onSave,onCancel,}) {...ProjectForm.propTypes = {project: PropTypes.instanceOf(Project),onCancel: PropTypes.func.isRequired,- onSave: PropTypes.func.isRequired,};export default ProjectForm;const handleSubmit = (event) => {event.preventDefault();if (!isValid()) return;- onSave(project);};We will get the save functionality working again later in the lab.
custom hook to use React Query's useQuery
Refactor the We will also use React Query’s
status to show when data is refreshing in the background.
DELETE ALL the code in
Add the following code. Notice that is significantly less code.
import { useState } from "react";import { projectAPI } from "./projectAPI";import { useMutation, useQuery, useQueryClient } from "react-query";import { Project } from "./Project";export function useProjects() {const [page, setPage] = useState(0);let queryInfo = useQuery(["projects", page],() => projectAPI.get(page + 1),{keepPreviousData: true,// staleTime: 5000,});console.log(queryInfo);return { ...queryInfo, page, setPage };}Update the
to use the React Query based custom hook.src/projects/ProjectsPage.js
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";import { useProjects } from "./projectHooks";import ProjectList from "./ProjectList";function ProjectsPage() {const {data,isLoading,error,isError,isFetching,page,setPage,isPreviousData,} = useProjects();return (<><h1>Projects</h1>{data ? (<>{isFetching && <span className="toast">Refreshing...</span>}<ProjectList projects={data} /><div className="row"><div className="col-sm-4">Current page: {page + 1}</div><div className="col-sm-4"><div className="button-group right"><buttonclassName="button "onClick={() => setPage((oldPage) => oldPage - 1)}disabled={page === 0}>Previous</button><buttonclassName="button"onClick={() => {if (!isPreviousData) {setPage((oldPage) => oldPage + 1);}}}disabled={data.length != 10}>Next</button></div></div></div></>) : isLoading ? (<div className="center-page"><span className="spinner primary"></span><p>Loading...</p></div>) : isError && error instanceof Error ? (<div className="row"><div className="card large error"><section><p><span className="icon-alert inverse "></span>{error.message}</p></section></div></div>) : null}</>);}export default ProjectsPage;// return (// <>// <h1>Header</h1>// {data ? (// <p>data</p>// ) : isLoading ? (// <p>Loading...</p>// ) : isError ? (// <p>Error Message</p>// ) : null}// </>// );To make it easier to see the pagination change the page size to 10 records. Delay the query to make it easier to see the loading indicator.
const projectAPI = {get(page = 1,- limit = 20+ limit = 10) {return (fetch(`${url}?_page=${page}&_limit=${limit}&_sort=name`)+ .then(delay(1000)).then(checkStatus).then(parseJSON).catch((error) => {console.log('log client error ' + error);throw new Error('There was an error retrieving the projects. Please try again.');}));},Test the projects page and verify that the initial load and pagination work.
custom hook using React Query’s useMutation
Create and use a Add the
custom hook.src/projects/projectHooks.js
// existing code...export function useSaveProject() {const queryClient = useQueryClient();return useMutation((project) => projectAPI.put(project), {onSuccess: () => queryClient.invalidateQueries('projects'),});}Update the
to use theuseSaveProject
import React, { SyntheticEvent, useState } from 'react';import { Project } from './Project';+ import { useSaveProject } from './projectHooks';...function ProjectForm({ project: initialProject,onCancel }) {...+ const { mutate: saveProject, isLoading } = useSaveProject();const handleSubmit = (event) => {event.preventDefault();if (!isValid()) return;+ saveProject(project);};...return (<form className="input-group vertical" onSubmit={handleSubmit}>+ {isLoading && <span className="toast">Saving...</span>}<label htmlFor="name">Project Name</label>...}export default ProjectForm;Test the projects page. Edit a project and save it and verify the change works and you see the saving toast indicator near the bottom of the page.